Linux Dev Space

SonarQube Pull Request Decoration

Pull request decoration did not happen

If you got this warning I recommend that you first enable debug logs on your SonarQube server. Then perform a pull request analysis again while inspecting the ce.log.

tail --follow sonar-dir/logs/ce.log

If you see these warnings, most probably the system clock of your server is to blame.

GET response did not have expected HTTP code (was 401): {“message”:”‘Issued at’ claim (‘iat’) must be an Integer representing the time that the assertion was issued”,“documentation_url”:“”}

Pull request decoration did not happen. Please install SonarQube Github application on the repository’s organization or user.

To synchronize a system clock to real time, the most recommended solution is to install is chrony.

sudo apt install chrony
sudo systemctl restart chrony.service
sudo systemctl enable chrony.service

If using a RHEL based distro, run:

yum install chrony
systemctl start chronyd

To check whether there is an actual time drift, issue the following command

$ chronyc tracking
Reference ID    : A9FEA97B (
Stratum         : 4
Ref time (UTC)  : Sun Nov 24 15:45:37 2019
System time     : 46.211318970 seconds fast of NTP time
Last offset     : -0.000026256 seconds
RMS offset      : 0.002788091 seconds
Frequency       : 41.560 ppm fast
Residual freq   : -0.005 ppm
Skew            : 5.294 ppm
Root delay      : 0.000519169 seconds
Root dispersion : 0.000747741 seconds
Update interval : 71.3 seconds
Leap status     : Normal

As you could see from the output, my System time was drifted by about 46 seconds. If there is a time drift, chrony will automatically adjust the clock gradually. You can verify that by issuing $ chronyc tracking command and observing the System time line of the output. Once the ‘System time’ property is driven closer to zero, you could try re-running a PR analysis and PR decoration should work fine.

Socket time out

Increase javaOpts …

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